Saturday, January 23, 2010


There are some conversations that can only be had at night. The night with its coat of darkness gives you the feeling of protection from prying eyes. The night is a romantic, whereas the day with the harsh light as his companion is the realist. At night more things seem possible, which in the day seem a fool's errand. At night you can dare to dream, the day you are forced to deal with reality and the mundaneness of your life.
But the night is also cold and lonely and cruel. And sometimes it just sneaks up upon you and leaves you utterly helpless with not even the morphine of sleep to numb the pain.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


The higher you shoot for, the more seems the downside. Its scary and it never gets easier, because of the expectations that might surround you and with each success , the vertigo increases. But if you dont punch above your weight grade, you will remain in the same weight grade. Maybe you will fall, so what. The world has not ended, yet.
It ends when you dont shoot for the sky.

Monday, January 18, 2010


Everyday i think of you. Most of the times i feel sorry for all the things that i did, all the times i was selfish i was self-centered and a total ass. I wonder what could have happened had i not done those things.Some other times, i think of you and remember the times we spent together and i smile , which in a little while turns into an overwhelming sadness that i can never be with you. I try to numb this pain in every way possible but it always returns and i am rendered helpless.
I know that i never deserved you, but i also know that in a life mired in debauchery ,impurity and the pursuit of easy pleasure, my feelings for you are my rare moments of purity. I wonder if its a good thing that you happened or not. On the one hand I have never felt as lost as without you now. I have never felt so dejected and disappointed i myself. I have never doubted myself as i do after you left.On the other hand the time spent with you is the only time i have been truly happy and i know that you happening is a once in a lifetime thing, something which i will always remember and cherish, long after my mourning is over.
And everyday i wish for a miracle, that you will come back and people who hope fervently for miracles to happen live painfully melancholic lives.

Photo by red twolips