Friday, March 20, 2009


Life is about choices, isnt it. And when you think of it like that, life somehow seems so simple. You make the right choices(ofcourse who is stupid enough to make wrong chocies or so you think) and wham! your life's awesome. Except its not really that simple. I was watching this movie yesterday night, Lions and Lambs and a collge professor tells his student that the worst part about adulthood is you dont know when it starts, And by the time you realize that you are an adult and responsible for your choicesyou are already 4-5 bad choices in it. And that got me thinking(pardon me if you think i am using the word too many times) about my life and adulthood. About how non chalantly and without thinkingtoo much far into the future i have made some decisions and lived to regret them.The funny or the not so funny part about this was that i always thought, if anything goes wrong i will be able to fix it or correct itand i always chose the thing that first came into my mind, i never thought about an alternative to those choices,never evaluated them because i always thought if anything goes wrong i will fix it. What i have come to realize since then is that some choices are for life and that sometimes you never really get a second chance and you have to live your entire life regretting the decisions that you made.I have made a hell lot of wrong ones. And what those decisions eventually did was they tinged the memories of my best moments with a bitter aftertaste which always remind me how i screwed them up.But hopefully they also left me wiser . I just wish there were one thing i could change, cos that would change everything but well life is unforgiving in this regard and we have to live the choices that we made.