Monday, June 9, 2008


theres no walking into the sunset for us darling,
our journey as you say ends here,
i shall keep walking one or another way
but when the weary sun sets for the day,
there wont be your arms to die into,
the refuge that was once mine is no more.

when loneliness casts its dark shadow,
and i search in the crowd for a friendly face,
there wont be your mischievious smile staring back at me,
these ghosts will have to be fought off alone.

now on these paths when i stumble,
there wont be someone who waits for me,
now when my demons take over
there wont be someone's touch to calm me down
when those tears come out now,

there wont be anyone who cries with me..
but worse,theres none left to laugh (with me)..

theres no walking into the sunset for us darling,
our journey as you say ends here,
but as you walk away,

kiss me for the last time like the first time.
and as i lie bleeding,
promise me you wont bleed..
and as my innocence dies,
promise me yours will live again.


  1. This post/poem/song landed in my feed reader only today.. And I have no idea what to say to this.. Aaaaaaaaaaah.. wish the words would come!!

  2. envy u for u can write sooo good..!
