Friday, May 30, 2008

Why do i love smoking

There are lots of things that people love to hate, but if there could be a list of such things i am sure cigarette would come on the top of it.And yes people have their reasons for hating the cigarette- it is harmful not only to the person who smokes but to the people around him, for some a cigareete being an addiction is also a sign of weaknes, while some people just hate to see a loved one kill themself softly.
I do not defend smoking, i do not condone it either, i will just say why i like smoking . First some confessions, yes i started smoking because i thought it would make me more stylish and more of a rough guy. That is one of the most common reasons why young guys start smoking.There is also a strange kind of peer pressure on you. A peer pressure which requires you to smoke to belong,which asks you to smoke to take the step forward towards being a man. Yes i was weak enough to succumb to this pressure. Mind you i do not say that this is why all the guys start smoking. Just mentioning the reasons why i started smoking. And i hated it at first, the awful smell, a kind of nausea, still  so as not to hinder my progress towards manhood i continued smoking and defended myself when anyone accused me of not smoking properly.As i was taking my tentative steps towards smoking i started living outside of the hostel(i was around the second year of my college then) and it is perhaps then that i started loving the cigarette and for reasons entirely different than why i had started smoking.
My house was about half an hour walk away from the college and most days i came alone. During those long walks back i started developing a companionship with the cigarette and it became a silent friend. And ever since then whenever i am lonely or scared or anxious i smoke a cigarette.
Cigarette is part of some of my best college memories- the long talks that i had with a friend while roaming around the streetsof vellore at night(who did not smoke then), the drinking parties, the hanging out at 4 a.m with friends at the tea shop or just sitting at mahesh anna's shop and chatting.It also was the first of many debates that eventually led to an amazing friendship.
And for these reasons i will always love smoking, even if i quit it sometime because it was the silent companion through some of the best moments of my life and even though those moments may have passed away, whenever i want to think about those moments again i can always light up a cigarette and reminiscence about those innocent times and also always have someone who was there with me then, my cigarette.
I would just like to leave you with some lines from ayn rand's Atlas Shrugged:

"I like cigarettes. . . . I like to think of fire held in a man‘s hand. Fire, a dangerous force, tamed at his fingertips. I often wonder about the hours when a man sits alone, watching the smoke of a cigarette, thinking. I wonder what great things have come from such hours. When a man thinks, there is a spot of fire alive in his mind--and it is proper that he should have the burning point of a cigarette as his own expression."


  1. hey ....
    i must say u're honest n very good at writing dude. yeah it happens with me as well .. sitting with friends with a beer or cig led to many discussions n arguments leading to many great friends! and when i feel nostalgic abt those people or some of those moments , i light a cig to try to relive them .. like right now .. shit , i dont have a one.. m sorry , but i need to go to mahesh anna n but a one :)
    i wish we had some of those discussions over a beer n cigs.. we didnt have them :(

  2. Writing about cigarettes... huh?

    The musing is not random for me though :)

  3. That was pretty much interesting...
    You do write very well and the citing really worked.
    Great blog dude ..
    Do keep blogging
